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Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10

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  • Graphic Drivers v8. Release Notes Download 92 KB. Sierra Wireless MC8355 (Gobi3000) v3.16.1311.4013 B4018 - Win7 Release Notes Download 216 KB. MotionCM (Gobi 3000) v3.2.4.4 Release Notes Download 81 KB Software.
  • Configure and manage Sierra Wireless mobile broadband modems. This app provides easy access to the full capabilities of your Sierra Wireless hardware. Compatible with Sierra Wireless Mobile Broadband Driver Package v. (or newer).
  1. Em7355 Driver Windows 10
  2. Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10 Windows 7
  3. Lenovo Mc8355 Windows 10 Driver
  4. Gobi 3000 Driver
  5. Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10 64-bit
  6. Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Windows 10

Sierra Wireless MC8355. Sierra Wireless (Gobi 3000). Intel graphics driver v10. Release Notes Download 199 KB.› ▄ ▄ ▄ Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10 ▄ ▄ ▄
Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10

I'm running Windows 8 RP x64 on my new X230T, waiting for my RTM copy after October 26th. I ordered my new X230T with an AT&T Sierra Wireless data card. Device Manager shows a modem named: Sierra Wireless MC8355 Gobi(TM) 3000 HS-USB Modem 9013 Today, I called AT&T and set up a mobile share account so my laptop can share a data plan with my smart phone. AT&T registered the IMEI number and the SIM Card to my account and issued a 'telephone number' for my data card. Lg United Mobile Driver Windows 10 on this page.

Networking: Softwares Wan Driver Sierra Mc 8355 - Gobi 3000 Software. ThinkPad T430i for Operating System Windows 10 (32-bit) Total size of N/A. ThinkPad T430i driver for your Windows or Mac.

I've gone to Settings / Wireless and I can see the data card, but I'm confused as to how to 'activate it' to test it out. Barry in Sheridan, WY. I've invalidated two SIM cards so far. Before I run Access Connections, Windows 8 RP recognizes the Sierra Wireless card and the SIM but doesn't connect. Then I run Access Connections and that software asks me if I want to provision the WWAN card. I say yes, and it interrupts and asks me to run Lenovo Mobile Broadband Connect. I run that and it says, 'no valid card installed' and after that Windows 8 tells me I have no SIM card installed. Hp 900 Inkjet Printer Driver Windows 10 here.

The SIM card never works again. AT&T is overnighting me my fourth SIM card. (They sent me a microSIM instead of a SIM one time but overnighted me a replacement.) I'm thinking of deferring this project until after I install the RTM version of Windows 8.

Hp Laserjet 1320 Pcl 5 Driver Windows 10. Meanwhile I've changed my AT&T Wireless account away from Mobile Share and I think I'll use the Lenovo-AT&T deal to buy wireless wan access when I need it. It turns out, AT&T told me, that if I use AT&T's 'buy a session' that it is good for 'one billing cycle' so if you activate 'buy a session' half way through a billing cycle you get 1/2 a month instead of one month to use it.


To Fix (x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ?) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ?) Repair Tool

Step 2:

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Step 3:

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Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

TIP: Click here now to repair Windows faults and optimize system speed

x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ? is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ? then we strongly recommend that you Download (x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ?) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ? both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ? that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2020-12-07 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

December 2020 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click 'Begin Scan' to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on 'Fix All' to fix all issues.

Meaning of x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ??

x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ? is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ??

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ?' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ?


RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance
Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10

hey as the subject say, can i insert sim card from another largo wrote:can i insert sim card from another country and carrier ? As long as your 3G carrier supports BYOM (Bring Your Own Modem) for their service, AND it operates on a 3G band supported by the MC8355... I have 3g unlimited data plan, can i use it ? thanks can. Cheers, Bill Yes, you country and carrier ?do i need unique sim card for that ?

HowTo: Sierra Wireless MC8355 Gobi 3000 in XP

a T520.
I have

Thinkpad Edge E130 sierra wireless mc8355 gobi 3000 no connection

the APN, etc.
Hello everyone, I'm facing a problem with the Thinkpad E130 Do you want to sign up now?' - I tried to activation but I thougth this was specifcally for the Lenovo Mobile Access programm. Please see Lenovo Mobile Broadband for the two service providers.

No connection To avoid interferences with the COM not interesting for me. More exactly two profiles and the integrated Sierra Wireless MC8355 Gobi 3000 broadband modem.

I can't use them it's important but the laptops have been bought and are tested in Germany. And another thing is that MWconn asks is established. Which is nice but port. Now, my question is what I overlooked. But do I have to activate the modem first, nonetheless? I don't know if Actviation or contact your mobile operator.

to use MWconn with deactivated and with uninstalled Access Connections. The data for with my SIM cards. Is there something, that I have to do first? I've read something of an connect with a second software called MWconn, which fails too. So I would rule out application problems, too.- I've tried for my PIN and Access Connection doesn't.

Activating Sierra Wireless Gobi 3000 internationally

and found that the local carrier here (there's only one) offers EVDO service.
I ordered a Gobi 3000 for my laptop before I went abroad

Gobi 3000 / Sierra Wireless 8355 Drivers for T420s

Hi everyone, does anyone know where I can get the drivers for this card.

X220 - Sierra MC8355 - advice sought on activating different SIM (UK)

region & more particularly the UK? Go Has anyone managed this in any to Solution. Cheers,

Has anyone managed this in any region & more particularly the UK?

GOBI 3000 Mobile Broadband (0A36185) for W530 (Sprint)
GOBI WWAN MC8355 3000 (60Y3257) in Chromebook X131..

need fw #6 (Generic). Vodafone network So, presently modem is ready to installed a GOBI Mobile Broadband Wireless WAN card (60Y3257).
Hello everybody, I have got a X131e chrombook and in the fw images directory structue.

Most of UMTS networks work in the CDMA/EV-DO network Verizon, only. It's fw for Verizon, #1 needs fw #0. Modem isn't locked, just fw is a cause.Further steps for the fw changing depend on the OS installed, drivers (re)installation capabilities, external media with LiveCD etc.

Sierra Wireless MC8355 on Windows 10
Sierra mc8355 driver win 10

What are the symptoms?To enable GPS capabilities, reinstall the drivers with option GPS=1 in the setup command line (note, use the setup installer, not the drivers package). How can I perform a clarify: aren't you able to establish 3g connection using win10 mobile broadband features? drivers on Windows 10 64-bit. I tried software for Windows 7 - it failed.
Hi and welcome, OxeliPlease, manager shows new Sierra 8355 devices which have drivers installed.

Drivers installed successfully, Network connections show new 'Cellular' connection, Device
I've installed Sierra MC8355 drivers are being extracted, change appropriate settings within it.
Or, if there is configuration file in the folder where 3G connection and run GPS tracking?

T500 Sierra MC8355 Gobi3000 Wireless Card

Hey everyone, I'm in a bit of a bind.

Sierra Wireless EM7345 4G LTE Mobile Broadband FRU: 04X6014 for my ThinkPad X250

Reason refill unpacker mac. FRU PN: 04X6014 on module's label. I guess it have a simmilar power usage will not work.
Hello, I'm thinking to buy ThinkPad Sierra Wireless EM7345 4G on battery (Windows and Linux)?6. I?ve few questions, WLAN and WWAN simultaneously?5.

as WLAN module (basing on Windows power utilization). Models without it Please make sure, that you have an antenna

What is the impact connectors for module and adapter for a SIM card. X250 has two PCI Express M.2 card slot and one is already occupied by good and practically beneficial?2. Is it really any Fedora 27, How?s Linux support?3. Can I use both LTE Mobile Broadband FRU: 04X6014 for my ThinkPad X250.

Can I use it on WLAN Card and other slot is available, Can I use empty slot for FRU-04X6014?4. Make sure, that photos explictly show Pease suggest ..1.

x131e Sierra Wireless mc8355 not being detected by vzaccess software
X220T Windows 8.1 WWAN Sierra Wireless MC8355: Driver/Firmware issues

All I think I need to do of options. I'm out now is activate this thing.
617pm): I just powered on my laptop and magically it seems to be working.

I tried reinstalling the driver/firmware, but it doesn't seem to do anything.EDIT (9/11/15

X220 Gobi 3000 ~slow~

Using the Gobi 3000 device as an NDIS Solved! Go to Solution. Just

'Network Adapter')3) Using Lenovo Access Connections 7 Here's the problem... SLOW. Stumped!

Gobi 3000 disappears after sleep on X220

Manager, it helps to bring the Gobi card back to life. It's a workaround, but not a root cause fix.Did you find out any other info for fixing this?
I found if you disable then re-enable the device in Device

GOBI Mobile Broadband..Please help!

Em7355 Driver Windows 10

Hashiriya drifter - online multiplayer drift game for macbook. I dont know if I should order the card because I cant seem to confirm anything at all.

ThinkPad GOBI 5000 Mobile Broadband

I can get it to somewhat work in the beginning and then it stops working. When I install the latest drivers for the GOBI card and Lenovo Access Connections

Integrated Mobile Broadband - Upgradeable vs. Gobi 2000

need to insert a WWAN mini PCI adapter like the Gobi 2000. Upgradable means you have the SIM slot and built-in antenna, but to Solution. Go

X121e Mobile Broadband Gobi 2000 Installation

Only the lan and me wired, wireless and modem options. I have installed the drivers wireless card are options. be shown as a network adapter.Ideas anyone please?
I have bought an unlocked Gobi 2000 newbie to this stuff.

Foolishly I did not buy this card at time of purchase. Windows 7 internet connections only gives Searching the internet I think this card needs to and installed this and the sim card.
Hi,I am a work.I have an X121e which has upgradeable mobile broadband.

I cannot get my mobile broadband card to and the broadband package from lenovo.

Sierra MC8355 on Windows 8

Upgraded W530 laptop workstation from Windows 7 64 Bit to Windows 8.1 64 Bit. This broadband activation provided for this machine is only available for Windows 7.

T410 - 2537 - Integrated Mobile Broadband (Gobi 2000 3G with GPS)

Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10 Windows 7

I have tried installing the driver for this via the device driver, Win10 Update and Thinkvantage update. Installed a driver from driver found). Any clue? No luck (no to Solution.
I Solved!

Lenovo EOL for W7.
Go run Win10.


LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ?) repair utility.

(2) x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ?

(3) HowTo: Sierra Wireless MC8355 Gobi 3000 in XP

Lenovo Mc8355 Windows 10 Driver

(4) Thinkpad Edge E130 sierra wireless mc8355 gobi 3000 no connection

(5) Activating Sierra Wireless Gobi 3000 internationally

Gobi 3000 Driver

Note: The manual fix of x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ? error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.

Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10 64-bit

Gobi 3000 driver windows 10

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

hey as the subject say, can i insert sim card from another largo wrote:can i insert sim card from another country and carrier ? As long as your 3G carrier supports BYOM (Bring Your Own Modem) for their service, AND it operates on a 3G band supported by the MC8355... I have 3g unlimited data plan, can i use it ? thanks can. Cheers, Bill Yes, you country and carrier ?do i need unique sim card for that ?

HowTo: Sierra Wireless MC8355 Gobi 3000 in XP

a T520.
I have

Thinkpad Edge E130 sierra wireless mc8355 gobi 3000 no connection

the APN, etc.
Hello everyone, I'm facing a problem with the Thinkpad E130 Do you want to sign up now?' - I tried to activation but I thougth this was specifcally for the Lenovo Mobile Access programm. Please see Lenovo Mobile Broadband for the two service providers.

No connection To avoid interferences with the COM not interesting for me. More exactly two profiles and the integrated Sierra Wireless MC8355 Gobi 3000 broadband modem.

I can't use them it's important but the laptops have been bought and are tested in Germany. And another thing is that MWconn asks is established. Which is nice but port. Now, my question is what I overlooked. But do I have to activate the modem first, nonetheless? I don't know if Actviation or contact your mobile operator.

to use MWconn with deactivated and with uninstalled Access Connections. The data for with my SIM cards. Is there something, that I have to do first? I've read something of an connect with a second software called MWconn, which fails too. So I would rule out application problems, too.- I've tried for my PIN and Access Connection doesn't.

Activating Sierra Wireless Gobi 3000 internationally

and found that the local carrier here (there's only one) offers EVDO service.
I ordered a Gobi 3000 for my laptop before I went abroad

Gobi 3000 / Sierra Wireless 8355 Drivers for T420s

Hi everyone, does anyone know where I can get the drivers for this card.

X220 - Sierra MC8355 - advice sought on activating different SIM (UK)

region & more particularly the UK? Go Has anyone managed this in any to Solution. Cheers,

Has anyone managed this in any region & more particularly the UK?

GOBI 3000 Mobile Broadband (0A36185) for W530 (Sprint)
GOBI WWAN MC8355 3000 (60Y3257) in Chromebook X131..

need fw #6 (Generic). Vodafone network So, presently modem is ready to installed a GOBI Mobile Broadband Wireless WAN card (60Y3257).
Hello everybody, I have got a X131e chrombook and in the fw images directory structue.

Most of UMTS networks work in the CDMA/EV-DO network Verizon, only. It's fw for Verizon, #1 needs fw #0. Modem isn't locked, just fw is a cause.Further steps for the fw changing depend on the OS installed, drivers (re)installation capabilities, external media with LiveCD etc.

Sierra Wireless MC8355 on Windows 10

What are the symptoms?To enable GPS capabilities, reinstall the drivers with option GPS=1 in the setup command line (note, use the setup installer, not the drivers package). How can I perform a clarify: aren't you able to establish 3g connection using win10 mobile broadband features? drivers on Windows 10 64-bit. I tried software for Windows 7 - it failed.
Hi and welcome, OxeliPlease, manager shows new Sierra 8355 devices which have drivers installed.

Drivers installed successfully, Network connections show new 'Cellular' connection, Device
I've installed Sierra MC8355 drivers are being extracted, change appropriate settings within it.
Or, if there is configuration file in the folder where 3G connection and run GPS tracking?

T500 Sierra MC8355 Gobi3000 Wireless Card

Hey everyone, I'm in a bit of a bind.

Sierra Wireless EM7345 4G LTE Mobile Broadband FRU: 04X6014 for my ThinkPad X250

Reason refill unpacker mac. FRU PN: 04X6014 on module's label. I guess it have a simmilar power usage will not work.
Hello, I'm thinking to buy ThinkPad Sierra Wireless EM7345 4G on battery (Windows and Linux)?6. I?ve few questions, WLAN and WWAN simultaneously?5.

as WLAN module (basing on Windows power utilization). Models without it Please make sure, that you have an antenna

What is the impact connectors for module and adapter for a SIM card. X250 has two PCI Express M.2 card slot and one is already occupied by good and practically beneficial?2. Is it really any Fedora 27, How?s Linux support?3. Can I use both LTE Mobile Broadband FRU: 04X6014 for my ThinkPad X250.

Can I use it on WLAN Card and other slot is available, Can I use empty slot for FRU-04X6014?4. Make sure, that photos explictly show Pease suggest ..1.

x131e Sierra Wireless mc8355 not being detected by vzaccess software
X220T Windows 8.1 WWAN Sierra Wireless MC8355: Driver/Firmware issues

All I think I need to do of options. I'm out now is activate this thing.
617pm): I just powered on my laptop and magically it seems to be working.

I tried reinstalling the driver/firmware, but it doesn't seem to do anything.EDIT (9/11/15

X220 Gobi 3000 ~slow~

Using the Gobi 3000 device as an NDIS Solved! Go to Solution. Just

'Network Adapter')3) Using Lenovo Access Connections 7 Here's the problem... SLOW. Stumped!

Gobi 3000 disappears after sleep on X220

Manager, it helps to bring the Gobi card back to life. It's a workaround, but not a root cause fix.Did you find out any other info for fixing this?
I found if you disable then re-enable the device in Device

GOBI Mobile Broadband..Please help!

Em7355 Driver Windows 10

Hashiriya drifter - online multiplayer drift game for macbook. I dont know if I should order the card because I cant seem to confirm anything at all.

ThinkPad GOBI 5000 Mobile Broadband

I can get it to somewhat work in the beginning and then it stops working. When I install the latest drivers for the GOBI card and Lenovo Access Connections

Integrated Mobile Broadband - Upgradeable vs. Gobi 2000

need to insert a WWAN mini PCI adapter like the Gobi 2000. Upgradable means you have the SIM slot and built-in antenna, but to Solution. Go

X121e Mobile Broadband Gobi 2000 Installation

Only the lan and me wired, wireless and modem options. I have installed the drivers wireless card are options. be shown as a network adapter.Ideas anyone please?
I have bought an unlocked Gobi 2000 newbie to this stuff.

Foolishly I did not buy this card at time of purchase. Windows 7 internet connections only gives Searching the internet I think this card needs to and installed this and the sim card.
Hi,I am a work.I have an X121e which has upgradeable mobile broadband.

I cannot get my mobile broadband card to and the broadband package from lenovo.

Sierra MC8355 on Windows 8

Upgraded W530 laptop workstation from Windows 7 64 Bit to Windows 8.1 64 Bit. This broadband activation provided for this machine is only available for Windows 7.

T410 - 2537 - Integrated Mobile Broadband (Gobi 2000 3G with GPS)

Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10 Windows 7

I have tried installing the driver for this via the device driver, Win10 Update and Thinkvantage update. Installed a driver from driver found). Any clue? No luck (no to Solution.
I Solved!

Lenovo EOL for W7.
Go run Win10.

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ?) repair utility.

(2) x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ?

(3) HowTo: Sierra Wireless MC8355 Gobi 3000 in XP

Lenovo Mc8355 Windows 10 Driver

(4) Thinkpad Edge E130 sierra wireless mc8355 gobi 3000 no connection

(5) Activating Sierra Wireless Gobi 3000 internationally

Gobi 3000 Driver

Note: The manual fix of x220 Mobile Broadband (Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000) is sim free ? error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.

Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Gobi 3000 Driver Windows 10 64-bit

Sierra Wireless Mc8355 Windows 10

broken image